National Honor Society
Membership in NHS is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. The standards for selection are in four areas: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.800 overall throughout high school, must be a rising junior or rising senior, and must have been an SHS student for at least one full semester to be eligible to apply. Once inducted, students are expected to attend all club meetings—missing more than 2 meetings may result in disciplinary action by the faculty council—participate in the group service project once per semester, have at least 40 service hours per year, maintain a 3.800 GPA and display the highest moral character as a student and as an individual.
Dues for new members are $30. They are required a month after induction. They are used to pay national fees and include a t-shirt. Dues for seniors are $30. They are to be paid by September 15 and are used to purchase graduation stoles. The member must be in good standing (3.800 or above GPA, acceptable meeting attendance record, completed 40 hours of community service) to wear the stole at graduation.
Dues for new members are $30. They are required a month after induction. They are used to pay national fees and include a t-shirt. Dues for seniors are $30. They are to be paid by September 15 and are used to purchase graduation stoles. The member must be in good standing (3.800 or above GPA, acceptable meeting attendance record, completed 40 hours of community service) to wear the stole at graduation.
Contact Us
Megan Rogers*